My suggestion is to save this webpage, and take your time to read it off-line. If you don’t need for traffic, you may leave this webpage. But, If you hardly need for free traffic, you better stay here and continue to read this article.
Read this and if you like it...It only takes 1 hour to complete this program
Let me introduce myself. I’m the webmaster of Belajar di Internet. In this article, I’m going to introduce a system of viral link to you. So many people come to me and offered a viral link system and I rejected it. Why? It’s because those viral link has a lot of weakness. But, Presently….I met a new viral link, I took my time to study it carefully. And I found that it’s the best viral concept for every one. This time, it’s my turn to offer a viral link opportunity. If you badly need for traffic…you shall continue to read this.
Ok, it’s time for me to explain the benefit of this system for you. But, before we continue … I want to tell you about the importance of traffic.
Traffic is one of indicators that Google use to determine the importance of your webpage
Traffic is also an indicator of trusted page, and it can help you to get listed in the first page of Google.
If you join in a paid review program, then you will need traffic more than pagerank. If your Alexa rank is better than 300.000, it will be easy enough for you to win every bid.
I can’t explain the benefit of this program, before I explain how it works. Definitely it’s much much a lot easier than blogwalking everyday. You may count how many times you spent just to visit another blog and invite them to visit your blog. Or how many times you spent to join in a visit exchange program? How many people you can invite to visit your blog everyday? I do blogwalking, and maybe it will be my daily activity just to keep my alexa rank on a good position.
As you know, viral link is quite similar with MLM system. But don’t worry, In this system there is no product or money will be involved. It’s totally free so you don’t have anything to lose. If you want to join in this system,….this is the procedure:
* Go to 1millionfreehits.com page
* Scroll the page to the bottom till you see 7 thumbnails like this.
* Right click on each thumbnails, and choose Open in a new tab
* On the top side of the window of the new tabs, you will see a blue bar. On the blue bar you will see a text like this “AD CODE GENERATION …. PLEASE WAIT”. So, you have to wait for a few seconds until it display the code.
* Put the code that you’ve found in the boxes right under the thumbnails. Put it in the right order.
* Fill the form below and click on submit.
* Open your e-mail, and find the e-mail from 1millionfreehits.com. It will be seen like this.
* Click on the verification link
* You will be directed to a congratulation page like this
* Save your ID and Password, and click the MEMBER AREA link
* You will be taken to this LOGIN page
Type your ID and password in the box and click on submit.
You will see your membership area. The link in the red rectangle is your membership URL. Save it.
You will see a table like in the blue rectangle above. It’s the table that you can use to watch the growth of your system.
Now, all you need to do is to promote your membership URL. You shall make a promotion blog like this. The blog should be a new one, and don’t place it in your main blog (the blog you want to promote). Write an article like this in your promotion blog. But, you may copy this article if you want to.